
This made so much sense at the beginning

The Devil's Advocate (continued) · 06/26/2004

7:25am – “Devil’s Advocate,” 1997

Wondering how many more days we will continue to advocate to the devil. Hope we won’t have to stretch this movie any more. But it is reeaaaaaalll long. It might take us 3 or 4 days.

Is this movie all about choices? Excesses? Who we are? What we decide to be (even if he are DevilSpawn)? Is this allegroical? Or is it all about creepy devilsexwithyoursister? Not sure I’m qualified to answer, but I do wish I knew.

Your father was the little, creepy devil waiter there. Trying to slap the pulse out of her.

At times, I think the ‘Thon is all about balance. What I mean is, we can’t always get to watch the great movies. There isn’t always going to be a “The Night Before” on the schedule. And there shouldn’t be. If there were, then we’d never have a chance to pee or eat or sleep. Thanks to movie like “Devil’s Advocate” we can have a break, we don’t have to really watch. Then I snap back to reality and remember we’d be better off without this. Fuck balance. I respect the middle way, but that isn’t what the ‘Thon is really about (how is watching 17 hours a day of movies, even if they are good, balance?). Why are we watching “Bam Stroker’s Dracula” again? OK, OK, because Keanu chose this project (& actually chose to make the movie) so it does have meritous qualities (at least 1) and that is why we are here. That is why we watch. Whew. I’m better. I’ve calmed down now. I think the onscreen insanity was infecting my thoughts. Based on that, not sure what effect the Matrix will have on me. Maybe I’ll start wearing a cool trench coat.

He’s in his prime. Brickless family man. Dance Toymaster! Dance!

This is no “Breakfast with Bill & Ted” This is no Johnny Mnemonic. Only seem to be able to identify what this is not.

Keanucino! Noooooooooooo! So it was all about the bathroom. All about those decisions we make while peeing. Stuff we think about while washing our hands. Weird tongue stuff.

Reviews for The Devil's Advocate

Depends on how you go I guess. I don't think you need one to go to Pittsburgh. — the prince of pennsylvania