I think I'll pull myself out of monthly rotation while I'm still around.
Is this some kind of commune cult-like Squeaky Charlie kind of thing?
What did I do today? I got fired, they took the company car, and my girlfriend left me.
Wow. That's deep. I feel almost cured just hearing it.
Worrying about losing keeps you winning.
I have a life, Angelica. And I'm late for it.
A love story set in San Francisco with Keanu and Charlize; fortunately this time it is so much better than their previous movie together. Keanu plays the role of a work-obsessed ad executive to a “t”, and Charlize, well, she does what she does. The story hits home when she explains that she must leave Keanu because his memory of her as perfect is her immortality. It is a touching story.
Ice cream in San Francisco in November? More or less my only problem with this movie. Granted, it is basically a Lifetime TV movie, but I like those (and it is a darn good one). Indescribably goofy at times, but I usually don’t notice, because I’m crying for the last 45 minutes of it. Never the biggest Charlize Theron fan, this movie manages to make me forget that for a couple of hours. Featuring a very fine Keanu performance (how many times have I written a variation of that?).
You've waited 20 years for me; what's another 20 seconds? — constantine
Sweet November ('06)
Sweeeeeeet November ('04)