
This made so much sense at the beginning

The Lake House · 11/22/2006

12:25am. Finally my first new film of the ‘Thon. I have been anxiously awaiting something I have yet to see, something that will keep my full interest, something with Sandra Bullock. Can’t wait for “Thumbsucker.” Really wish “Scanner Darkly” was out. Why? Why? Why can’t it be out yet? If we were having KT after December the 19th we could be watching it. Bastards!

CNJ suggests Bullock’s mom could be played by Joan Plowright who did the ethnicmomspecial in KT classic “I Love you to Death”

There is much conjecture about what the fuck is going on in this movie just a short time into from Cait & CNJ – I am trying to tell them to hold the fuck on and watch the movie. They are both objecting, I am holding to my guns until the end of the movie when I will have to quell their confusion and inevitable tears (not of joy) with a long-winded and (because it is coming from me and is about a movie which might not make sense) confusing explanation.

LBK hates midwesterners and our B2B Chicago movies. But he can get to be a ball of angry sometimes. Maybe he is just hangry. Now he wants to watch “You’ve Got Mail,” was Keanu in that?

12:56am – Day 3 called as we are all pretty much asleep (eyes closed, snoring or whatnot), Day4O’Turkey is right around the corner.

Reviews for The Lake House

So how about it? You want that ride? — rush rush