
This made so much sense at the beginning

The Prince of Pennsylvania · 11/23/2006

9:20am. It is good to be Prince.

And mom has a meat thermometer. After the feast I certainly hope we can go to the carnival.

Do they have kittens at the carnival?

Hypothetical (this one is actually from the movie): You’re sitting on the beach and in the water there are two people drowning. One has the cure for cancer, and the other is your own son. Who would you save?

Keanu goes with the guy who could cure cancer. Fred asks him to take his time and think about it. Keanu says cancerguy because maybe his son would grow up and get cancer. A response maybe even Falzoné couldn’t respond to. But he likely still would.

That band has some sweet-ass silly little felt cowboy hats. Regardless, I think they probably have a great sound and could really make it. We all have a chance if we make our cabinets like they look on “Friends.” A chance a what? We will let fate decide.

CNJ waited in costume all day as a hobo to an extra in Freejack.

If only everyone could witness what dreams are made of, interpreted through the creators of Keanuthon.

Hey, look man, be cool. It's OK. The guy is just a taxi driver. It's not like he's whatshisname. What is his name? — i love you to death