
This made so much sense at the beginning

Much Ado About Nothing · 06/24/2004

7:30pm – “Much Ado About Nothing”, 1993

Will they chase a pig later?

In this we see Keanu in leather pants receiving a massage from another man. This might be a throw back to “Idaho.”

Keanu in his first Shakespeare production. He will later go on to perform Hamlet (after a role in a stage production of “The Tempest”) on stage to much lauding. Is “lauding” the correct word? I mean to say that he received scathing reviews for it (but what does “scathing” really mean). Probably because he had to don an accent. Likely a Canadian one.

In how many movies does Keanu put on a fake accent? Does that include Canadian accents? Yes, of course.

Much conversation regarding teeth of all cast members – likely all this kissing (onscreen) & talk of kissing (on and offscreen) which is steering the conversation orally. There are only so many ways to say (they are kissing! they’re going to kiss!) – actually 2 or 3 – to talk about kissing, at least without making it sound like you are in some high falutin’ Shakespeare movie/play thing.

Some confusion about if Shakespeare wrote this initially as a movie script or a radioplay.

Is the first Keanuriffic facial hair/beard we have seen?

8:24 – a brief nap and back to Much Ado, just in time for what Matt is deeming the scene he “remembers from the theater.” Guess it made a big impression.

So is the couch we watch the ‘thon from the Keanu-couch? This gets discussed and changed to the Keanch, as in, “whoever’s holding the Keanch gets to talk.”

I’m never sure how I feel about Keanu facial hair. He just has such a pretty, pretty face that hair doesn’t seem to do anything for it, it just covers it up. We put our three brains (some would say one total) together and come up with the other movie we’ve seen so far with Keanu beardliness: I Love You to Death, where he has some scruffiness on his face to go along with his wacky wacky hair. Matt says this is what Keanuthon is all about: us all coming together. Plus—to continue the facial hair diatribe—he really doesn’t grow a good beard. It comes in scruffy and a little patchy. He does have interesting facial hair outlines, though; there’s a little line on each side of his mouth that’s hairfree.

We have also been wondering (earlier, but nobody has logged it yet) why Keanu was in “Providence”...did he know someone? Or, like Paula Abdul, had they just heard about the “phenomenal” actor Keanu Reeves and demanded to have him in a cameo in their cute little homemade movie?

We have decided that it might sound more classy and inspirational if we refer to all of Keanu’s early walk-on parts in things like “Letting Go” or “Youngblood” as “cameos” instead of “walk-on roles.”

I'm looking for the Bulls to cover the spread. — hardball