
This made so much sense at the beginning

The Real Reason We 'Thon · 11/25/2006

11:30pm. The reason we ‘Thon is because of this movie (and a silly idea I had and Matt ran with).

Reviews for Johnny Mnemonic

Freaked: Rehearsal Version · 11/25/2006

7:56pm. Like Freaked, but freakier?

No Falzoné, he abandoned us.

No, he’s sickened by his lack of being present. But three seperate Kepscoopouts of car and into houses and bars was enough.

She sleeps.
He weeps.


there is no way this is still the movie playing….
He now sleeps..

Reviews for Freaked

Little Buddha · 11/25/2006

5:41pm. The best Buddha movie… ever! At least the best we show at Keanuthon… ever!

Finally, after two false calls, we have Bridget Fonda. Thank goodness. This is almost as good of a prize as watching “The Replacements” on the last night of Keanuthon last year. It is a special time.

Almost as good as getting to end the ‘Thon with “Just Johnny”

Nothing like Eunich Keanu. This is my first Keanuthon and it has been gentle, loving, and mind blowing. Sadly it has also been brief. But they tell me the 2nd time is always better and I look forward to it. ~GG

Reviews for Little Buddha

Rush Rush · 11/25/2006

5:30pm. This is actually the second showing of “Rush Rush” this year, as we interrupted the presentation of “A Walk in the Clouds” last night to play this. I’m not sure exactly how that got through the committee as a legal maneuver.

The supercession of the committee was the 1st of its kind. But worthwhile. Usually we watch it twice in a row, this year we broke it up. Now it’s time for a breakdown! Never gonna get it! Hurry, hurry lover.

Reviews for Rush Rush

The Devil's Advocate · 11/25/2006

2:59pm. “This is the most disturbing scene in the history of the ‘Thon.” I think because we are having, err, getting to watch this movie.

How do I always forget Leo Burmester is in this? How is this letter inflamatory? Why isn’t Leo objecting?

Heading down the Atlanta highway. Looking for a love getaway! why do they always play “Love Shack” or a song that sounds like B-52s. Must be all that whiteboy music sounds the same and all those blondes look the same. For example, Keanu’s wife in this looks a lot like the girl from Sweet November – no way they could be, but they are both blondes.

This case is all about goat slaughtering — hell, this movie is all about human slaughtering.

What can I say?

Tongue flick. Creepy tongue flick. We actually went back and watched the creepy tongue flick in slow motion. It was creepier than you could ever imagine. And Pacino keeps doing it – he must be having a lot of fun!

Unfortunately, us watching this movie is not leading to us having a lot of fun.

We need chains! and balls!

Reviews for The Devil's Advocate

Hangin' In · 11/25/2006

2:36pm. Welcome to facial distortion land!

This classic speaks for itself, or we have spoken for it enough in the past – we should likely shup up about it this year.

The tracking seems better this year, but the sound has deproved. Jeff is on the verge of muting because it is giving averyone in the house a headache…then came Keanu!

Universal agreement that all would take him bathed or unbathed.

Big developers!

Why no more of the unbathed hoodlums?

Reviews for Hangin' In

Providence · 11/25/2006

A boy (of 35) goes off to get an education and his friend offers him this advice:
“Good luck. Lay low”

I would like to see Sarah Jessica Parker in this one. I think she could reprise her role from “Life Under Water” for this movie. The character would fit in so well. The mean friend would also fit in. Maybe this could be set at the beach. And Keanu could have more than one line. Maybe we could just watch that again.

Was he wearing her bra or her purse?

Teachers are mean to kids with problems.

Why do all these pick up lines work in the movies. I guess they are cooler – but I wouldn’t want pick up lines to work if I had to go to this horrible poetry reading.

By Brown staring down from the hill, does he means he has a crush on Laura Freschi? Who “looks down on him” ??

Why would anyone want this mean guy to offer to help him. What is our moral? To the spoils go the vector?

Reviews for Providence

One Step Away · 11/25/2006

1:31pm. Why? Why would you do it? You were only one! Step! Away!

Was this the first time? Or has it happened before? I believe the boss. I think mom is lying.

If you miss a test do you have to fail it? What kind of a school is this. It seems every school Keanu goes to the teachers/principals just hate those goodfornothing kids. Maybe with good reason. They are punks!

This incident is greatly akin to the Crappy the Horse debacle.

The klog has (obviously) slowed down a lot – whether or not we want to admit it, we may be beginning to lose the war of attrition with the ‘Thon. We may lose this “battle,” but we will win the next… “battle.”

If this guy isn’t abusing Olivia D’abo, he is browbeating Keanu’s mom. He chaps my hide!


If Keanu and mom really needed cash couldn’t he have started walking the streets? That worked in Private Idaho, why not now? Then he would get inheritance and everything would work out great! He could even renounce people who had been “nice” to him publicly and run for MPL office. Yay!

Why does he have to go to night school? Couldn’t he just go to high school? How does the Canadian eduucation system work?

Reviews for One Step Away

My Own Private Idaho · 11/25/2006

11:51am. Private Keanu.

Jeff is questioning the “urgency” of the ‘Thon. We’ll have to do better with that next year.

Idaho is still rolling, but we have the sound down – 3 kids aged 10 or under are in the room – MPL does not feel like it should rear its ugly head this early in the day for our 4 year old. But MPL is always appropriate.

Has he ever considered a political career in getting some mansex? If he has I am certain he would get elected.

Most of the movies seem a little longer than they normally have. Perhaps because we are (and by we, we mean Jeff) working on the webiste and not getting to watch as much of the movies. Or maybe My Own Private Idaho just feels really long.

But Jeff is a show off, with or without crazy earrings.

Reviews for My Own Private Idaho

Babes in Toyland · 11/25/2006

10:16am. Jeff is on the snooze and we all know how much he loves this movie. He will be so bitter about missing it this year. Fairly certain he hasn’t watched more that 15 minutes of it ever, hopefully, for his sake, this year will continue the trend.

Gotta love the Keanu (not the beverage) with the slightly accented hair.

“Since Cincy is so natty?”

Any movie can be set in New York or San Fran or Chicago, but it takes guts and knowhow to set a movie in Cincinnati. Even gutsier is to go that extra mile and sing a song about the town.

A lot of the wacky, slapstick style humor which is being engaged in here is not working. Reminds me of Merry Wives of Windsor. But this I find delightful! Wait! I found MWoW to be an all-out delight also! The reason the theater was invented.

Reviews for Babes in Toyland

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This trip through space and time is going to be over soon enough anyway, right? Doesn't need any help from me. Came into this thing kicking and screaming, going out the same way. — permanent record